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He has studied Social Communication, Film direction and Theater Direction.

In 2004, he began his Scenic Video project, which currently has around 100 productions..

Design video for theater stages, concerts and other spaces where performative activities take place. Work with simple or multiple projections, on different materials, mapping and stage design with screens. In his work you can see different film and photographic techniques, video art, video clip, stereoscopy, 2D and 3D animation.

In 2012 he was awarded by the Civil Association "Hugo Awards" to musical theater for his contribution to the genre from the multimedia.

He also designed the scenographies of "American Idiot", "El pequeño pony" and "Quiero el beso", the latter earned him a nomination for the 2014 Hugo Awards.

In 2017 and 2018 he won consecutively the "Premio Carlos" for the “Mahatma” Virtual Scenography. For this he also won the "Estrella de Concert" award.

He is responsible for the subject "Scenic Video" at the University of Palermo. He has also given several seminars in different institutions.

In 2017 he joined the team of professionals appointed by INT (National Theater Institute) and UNA (National University of the Arts) to train technicians of the Diploma in Scenic Engineering in the Patagonia region.

He was Co-Director with Flavio Mendoza of "Franciscus", "Stravaganza Tango", "Sin reglas para el amor", "Pequeña gran mujer", "Taboo" and "Siddharta".

He recently designed projections for Gustavo Santaolalla's last concert at the Teatro Coliseo.

He works as video consultant for the company FUERZA BRUTA, for whom he also designed content for the floats, the "Song of the Games" and the National Anthem, on the occasion of the Youth Olympics BA2018.

His latest design was for Jesus Christ Superstar in Mexico City, a job for which he was awarded by the Metropolitan Theater Awards.

Since the 2020 pandemic, he has brought his stage methods to online platforms. He won the INT National Award for Performing Arts in Virtual Environments for his streaming play "Deathbook."

Other of his work as a Scenic Video Designer are:

The Magic Box (Teatro Opera, 2024)

Vaselina (CCT1, 2023)

Alza la voz (Teatro Coliseo, 2023)

Dipinto di blu (Teatro Coliseo, 2023)

Divina Italia (Teatro Coliseo, 2023)
Grandes Valores del Tango (Teatro Astral, 2022)

Regreso en Patagonia (Teatro Metropolitan 2022)

Network (Teatro Coliseo 2022)

Familia No Tipo (Teatro Nacional Cervantes 2022)

La Granja de Zenon, En busca del Arcoiris (Teatro Astral 2022)

José el Soñador (CDMX 2022)

Piazzolla Futuro (Teatro Coliseo)

Dante Conjetural (Teatro Coliseo 2021)

Entrelazados Pocket Show (DOT 2021)

Entrelazados Pocket Show (Yoth Club BA 2021)

TINI Pantene (2021) 

100 años Teatro Nacional Cervantes (Mapping)

Concerto e mezzo (Teatro Coliseo)

AVENTURA, Gira Inmortal (USA 2020)

Jesucristo Superstar (CDMX 2109)

Troyanas (2019)

JJOO Juventud BA1028 FuerzaBruta (Video de carrozas, Himno Nacional y GAME SONG escenario principal)

Entrelazados Disney Argentina 2021

Pocket Show Disney Argentina 2018

Jeunesse 2018 Sao Paulo

Sagrado bosque de monstruos (Teatro Nacional Cervantes 2018)

Simona (Luna Park 2018)

Aladín, será genial 2018

Mátete Amor (2018)

Mahatma (2017)

Wayra Fuerza Bruta (San Pablo 2018)

SANTAOLALLA, Desandando el camino

Peter Pan, todos podemos volar 2017 (Gran Rex)

Franciscus, una razón para vivir

Violetta En Vivo (Gran Rex, gira Latam y Europea, Luna Park 2014)

American Idiot


Eva, el gran musical argentino

Abel Pintos concierto “Sueño Dorado”

Por amor a Sandro

Tango Feroz


Beatrix Cenci (Ópera, Teatro Colón)

Tosca (Ópera, Teatro Argentino de La Plata)

Saltimbanquis 2018 (KONEX)

Mapping Embajada Italia (Lanzamiento Temporada Teatro Coliseo 2018)

Saltimbanquis 2017 (Teatro San Martín)

Stravaganza Tango

Despertar de Primavera

Pimpinela, La Familia

Pimpinela Gira Internacional 2010

La Granja de Zenón, Gran Gallo 2021

Stravaganza 2 “Estados del tiempo” (Temp. 2013-14 VCP y Buenos Aires)

Priscilla, la reina del desierto (El musical)

Stravaganza "Water in art 2014"



La forma de las cosas

El pequeño poni

Mueva la Patria (Revista Barcelona)

Ella tributo a las canciones de Rafaella Carrá


Las mujeres de Fellini

Postales Italianas

Quiero el beso

Amores Retro

Cómico 4

Antígona, tremenda trágica tragedia.

Mash Up, mezcla uno

Mashup, mezcla 2

La casa de Disney Jr, Un dia especial

Sin Reglas para el amor

Peter Pan, todos podemos volar (Argentina y Brasil)

El Principito, en el Planetario

20000 Leguas de viaje submarino en 3D

Victor Victoria (Madrid)

Aladín será genial

Pequeña Gran Mujer

Puro Tango de Miguel Angel Zotto

La novia de Gardel

Swing Time

Ethel Rojo Por amor al Maipo



El mago de Oz

Revista Nacional

Reinas Magas

Wojtyla (Argentina y Ecuador)

Stravaganza Evolution

Maxi 5 Stand Up

Nada es Imposible

Disney XD (Brasil, México y Argentina)

Madero Tango 2011 - 2013

Divino Tango


Por ti Armenia 


F.N.E. Provincial 2017

Yo quiero un hombre (Duo Pimpinela, videoclip)

Estamos todos locos (Duo Pimpinela, videoclip)


Letras 2020

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